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What's For Lunch?

School Meals Applications

Find out what is for lunch on the NYC school food site. You can see a daily and monthly calendar. They even have an app! So now you’ll know, What’s for Lunch!

Want to know What’s for Breakfast? We use Breakfast Express.

Elroy Browne

We use the Pre-K – 8 Express Hot Menu.  NYC kids eat lunch for free!  You must still fill out the lunch form, though. PLEASE do it here.  Apply for FREE lunch!

Chocolate milk is only served on Fridays.

Something to keep in mind. Every year in September, you will receive a Lunch Form. It is to determine funding for schools. We need all families to fill out this form every year. If you know you do not qualify, mark that on the 1st page, and then the rest is very quick. The key is you need to do this every year, even if your child is never going to eat a school meal. Think of it as a census for our student body. We ask that you please do this task, as schools are held accountable for participation. You will receive the info for the lunch forms every year in September, and hopefully, we won’t be reminding you too many times. Thank you so much for your attention and participation.

Robert, Dorian, and Elroy